“In the vast, deep forest of Hyrule, long have I served as the guardian spirit. I am known as the Deku Tree.”

A weekend project LEGO MOC I built of the famous Deku Tree from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This was intended originally to be in microscale with the intention of submitting to a LEGO Ideas project, but early in the construction I shifted gears and decided to make this much larger and elaborate.

The construction was actually rather simple, despite the abundance of pieces and detail. The only real challenge was making the nose, eyebrows, and mustache to look right, since I was limited with dark brown LEGO pieces.

After that, it took a while to shoot good photos because the face was too dark from the tree’s canopy giving off a big shadow, so I had to frequently alter the lighting setup as well as my camera’s flash. Fortunately in post production I increased the brightness and shadow levels.

In early December when I began production for my demonstration video of my LEGO Legend of Zelda Spiritual Stone Lamp, I started playing the N64 game for inspiration to get me in the mood. Then after playing the game game for a bit, I got hooked again and decided to build some more Zelda-related MOCs — this tree of course being one.

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