This is a little promo vignette for my stop-motion LEGO animation “Harder Than Rock“, which was sadly rejected from an official LEGO Ideas contest. In this particular shot I used the blacksmith set from the video and made a composite image of the flames by using images of the candle flicker from my electronic LEGO candles of 2016.
In the contest, contestants were required to make a quick brickfilm animation to portray in a comical manner what life would have been like without Medieval blacksmiths. After painstakingly creating my animation over the course of a few weeks, I managed to render a quick contest cut mere hours before the contest’s deadline. Then the next day I got disqualified for making pop culture references to third party intellectual property, which went against the contest guidelines. With nothing left to lose, I edited my video to be longer and with some of the old jokes intact. When watching this video, make sure to keep at least one eye open, as you may recognize some familiar celebrity cameos!