Welcome back, Brunkamaniacs!

Last week I celebrated the 6th anniversary of when I left my hometown of Lancaster, PA to embark on my journey to New York City! To commemorate, I built an epic LEGO Viking ship and took a photo in New Jersey near the Statue of Liberty. For all of my friends, family, followers, fiends, and foes, I thank you for all of your years of support.

Right before Christmas, I built yet another electronic video game sprite — with polyphonic music, similar to my Super Mario Dry Bones model! This time around I’ve built a replica of Mega Man, specifically for the birthday/Christmas gift for my good kemosabe Skot Shaub. Dig it!

Since the New Year, I’ve been gradually working on a particular space-themed LEGO creation inspired by music videos for the Ramones and Monster Magnet. Just recently, I managed to finish building this spectacular model: the Astrosurfer Space Car, and its band of astronauts called The Highway Stars!


This project has been approved on LEGO Ideas, which is a website where users can submit and vote on original LEGO creations. When a project reaches 10,000 votes, the team at LEGO Group will review it for being potentially sold in retail as a real set! All you have to do is join (or login if you’re already registered), answer a few questions, and show your support! Come on, you now you’ve always wanted to own your own futuristic flying space car and rock band of astronauts.

-Baron von Brunk

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